Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Life belong to God...
Life only for God..
What we here on the earth for?...
to fulfil our dream? or to fulfil God calling....?
for me... God has create me compeletly with His Own plan, whatever infront of me it was already in the page of God book.... i remember when i was gave my life to God, He promise me a good shape of life, a good thing will come...
but, when the badly strom come into my life... destroy everthing what already in place.. i never thought that i dare to shout even to blame to God....
once certain time, i thought everthing in God plan... i thought that was God way.. seems everything look prefect... in front, left, right and also at the back... everything nice and good...
i'll never feel that something bad will happen that time.... it just feel happy, enjoy, or even the sky look so bright.....................
then.... suddenly, disappeared.... everything disappeared.... truly like a strom...
bring a hard wind and destroy everthing.... after that, just left like that and ignore like nothing happen.....

and.. its just hard to tell how bad i feel after that....
no word can compare how was i felt....
blurrrr, mad, crazy, disapponted, etc.... everthing mixed up..
i truly cant reconisged how at me that time..
but now... God bring me back on the track...
it just depand on me weater i want to walk or fine another way...
emm... but, i choose to run rather then only walk....
its a lot of thing infront of me to be acheive....
a lot of goal must be compeleted....
although my heart never stop thingking for the past...
i choose to not ignore that....
i'll not ignore that for whole my life....
i do love someone at the past...
and my love never change.... that is the promise..
and it will become a history of my life.....
bro walter forever......


EsTheR a.k.a MoOn said...

Hi walter...
apa khabar ko?
Lama tidak jumpa & dengar berita.
Rindu pula mau lepak sama2 macam dulu..
Macam mana keadaan ko sekarang?
Saya ada dengar berita yang tidak syok... Tidak tau betul atau kabar angin. Anyway, be strong in Jesus... he will definitely give you strenght....

RosA said...

Hi bro Walter@Junsang...:)
Mungkin ko tidak ingat sia lagi... Lama tidak jumpa ko... apapun sia sgt diberkati dgn blog ko nie...
All the best..Selamat melayani..Chaiyo!Cha1yo!....

RosA said...

Allah memberikan kita dua kaki untuk berjalan, dua tangan untuk memegang, dua telinga untuk mendengar dan dua mata untuk melihat. Tapi mengapa Allah hanya menganugerahkan sekeping HATI pada kita? Karena Allah telah memberikan sekeping lagi HATI pada seseorang untuk kita mencarinya. Itulah namanya CINTA...

GBU bro...