Monday, July 16, 2007

Exhibition Aquaria.. Putatan..

A few week ago.. i was the person incharge of the Aquaria Fiesta at Putatan
getting tired to prepare many thing... but finally, everthing's done..
im so happy.. lot of people come and intersted of our product..
yaaa.. we are from fisheries and food inds division..
mostly our product based on the aqua life..

'rumpai laut basah' or wet seaweed... cultured at semporna

sea cucumber or 'balat' in local name

giant clam or kima....

working on laptop.... arghhh

its my face.... control hidung.. hehe

my collogeue... explain to the people..

my exhibition place..

ya.. its me again..

rumpai laut kering.. dried seaweed


argh... happy day..
payaa the great..

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